Category: Videos
Shows dance videos
Movements of Breakthrough

Strongholds are anything that hinders the will of God in our lives. They can be long standing patterns of behavior or thought, even things that seem to be woven into the fabric of our personalities that keep us from doing God’s will or abiding in Him.
There are strongholds in families, strongholds over cities, institutions, and nations. They manifest in relational conflicts, in addiction, in injustice, crime, illness, and more. The outward symptoms are physical and material, but the root of the problem is in the spiritual realm.
The apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 that God has given us authority in Christ to pull down these strongholds:
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Our greatest weapon in pulling down these strongholds is prayer, and when we pray according to His will, we know He answers. As dancers, we intercede not just with our words, but with our movements.
In this 4 minutes video, I share movements you can use in your prayer and devotion to break down strongholds in your life, in the lives of your loved ones, and in your community.
This teaching comes from the DVD Weapons of Warfare/Movements of Breakthrough. The Weapons of Warfare/Movements of Breakthrough DVD contains four basic sections. In the first section, Pastor Lynn teaches out of the Dance, Dance, Dance! book on the Hebrew words associated with power movements.
In the second section, we learn how doing movements like circling, marching in procession, whirling, and shaking can bring deliverance by pulling down strongholds.
In the third section, Pastor Lynn gives four scriptures that describe the Lord bringing victory and deliverance through praise, and she gives movement ideas for each of these scriptures. She goes on to develop 8 counts of punch-kick movements that you can use in your own workout or to lead a group of dancers.
And, finally, in the fourth section, she demonstrates how to put all this together into a 20-minute time of movements in which a group of dancers can do spiritual warfare while also getting a cardio workout. Each section builds on the previous section, equipping the dancer with movements for intercession.
I love this DVD. One of my primary callings as a dancer is to intercede in my own prayer time and to equip others to intercede through movement. This DVD gives me strong movements for warfare (where my natural bent is towards fluid, gentle movements) and a strong biblical basis for using them.
Whether you purchase this DVD or just incorporate the movements for pulling down strongholds into your devotion (and create more movements of your own), I pray that you are encouraged and equipped by these in your prayer time.
Please share your thoughts in the comments:
Did you find this helpful?
How have you incorporated dance into your time of intercession?
Strength, Flexibility and Balance without Yoga

Strength, flexibility and balance are all critical for dancers who want to improve their technique without risking injury. In fact, they are all invaluable to lifelong health. Many people, Christians included, are looking to Yoga to gain these benefits.
Years ago, I took yoga, with the mindset, “I’m here for the physical benefits and not the spirituality.” I put on my Jesus filter when I walked into the studio. The physical benefits I experienced were undeniable. My balance improved. My posture improved. I grew stronger and more flexible. And I felt better physically. Honestly, it helped me prepare for natural child birth more than any class I took at the hospital. I was grateful for that.
But I always had nagging questions in my mind about engaging in yoga, because of its roots in eastern religion. And as a runner and dancer, I found my workout plate too full to take another yoga class, so I never developed a regular practice of yoga.
Several years ago, as I found mentors in worship dance, those I respected the most warned me to stay away from yoga unequivocally. The reasons they described resonated with the unease I had felt in my spirit. So, I decided to listen to their warnings and make a decision to purposely (not just because I didn’t have time) skip yoga, even “Christian yoga” (by the way, this article is not a case against Christian yoga, just an attempt to tell my story). For me, it was a “When in doubt, leave it out.” Continue reading “Strength, Flexibility and Balance without Yoga”
What I learned about planning a Praise Dance Camp
We just finished a fabulous week of Praise Dance Camp in Pasadena. I’m so grateful for the week, for your prayers, and for how the Lord worked.
Read on as I share four things I learned about planning a summer praise dance camp for children and to watch a 4-minute video recap of the week. Continue reading “What I learned about planning a Praise Dance Camp”
Pasadena Workshop Recap
Thanks to all of you who prayed for the Devotions in Motion Workshop this past Sunday. We had a wonderful time. God brought a beautiful group of women who had a heart for worship. It was a small group – perhaps because it was a Sunday, perhaps for other reasons. But it enabled an intimacy that was beautiful and also allowed us to learn an entire group dance.
Here are some testimonials:
Thank you so much for a beautiful, spirit-filled afternoon. The video was lovely. Pretty amazing for a 3 hour workshop. Thanks again. God bless you for your inspiration and teaching. – Nancy
I really loved the dance. I like the way you gave choreography but helped us choreograph too. I liked the help on choreography on terms. This will help me!!! – Christie
(I appreciated) experiencing the ministry of the spirit through the dance and dancing it together, seeing how God brings a dance together in its beauty. – Tracy
Enjoy the recap video and join us next time.
Receive The Lord’s Prayer Video and Chance to Win a Free Product

I have a 6 minute video which teaches motions to the Lord’s Prayer along with a really memorable way to teach them. I’ve used this over and over with both children and adults. It’s great for opening a workshop or ending a class.
I would like help getting the word out to people outside of my circle of influence about several things:
1. The Devotions in Motion Videos
2. The Devotions in Motion workshop in Pasadena on June 14
3. The Children’s Praise Dance Camp in Pasadena from June 29-July 3
If you share on Facebook about any one of these and tag Worship Dance Ministries, I’ll give you The Lord’s Prayer in Motion video and enter your name into a raffle to win any product of mine (The only exceptions are Lynn Hayden’s products, which are not mine to give, and that I cannot ship a hard copy of “And a Child Shall Lead Them” outside of the U.S.)
Here’s what you need to do:
Copy one of the links below into a post on your page or a facebook group of which you are a part. (This will both reference the product and tag me, so I know you shared it)
Share why you think it might benefit the people with whom you are sharing it.Try to share it with those for whom it might be relevant. (If you live on the East Coast, sharing about the Children’s Dance Camp in Pasadena might not be relevant to your friends, unless you have friends who live in Southern California. But Devotions in Motion is available to anyone anywhere.)
Here are the links (I’ve included the tag. If the tag doesn’t work, you can tag my personal Facebook page or just email me):
1. Devotions in Motion: Worship Dance Ministries
2. Devotions in Motion Workshop in Pasadena: Worship Dance Ministries
3. Children’s Praise Dance Camp in Pasadena: Dance Ministries Please post by this Friday, June 12.
I’ll draw the raffle on Monday, June 15. If you share and you don’t receive the Lord’s Prayer in Motion from me within 24 hours, email me, as sometimes the sharing on Facebook doesn’t notify me. Thanks!
Jump Start your Devotions
If you have purchased Devotions in Motion, I have good news to share about it. I’ve added to it.
At the request of my good friend, Diane, I added a “straight through” video of all 5 devotional dances. This way, once you have learned the dances, you can use this video to dance them straight through in your devotions. I hope you find it helpful. It is available on your Devotions in Motion download page, which you received from me.
If you don’t have Devotions in Motion yet, but have been wanting to purchase it, it will be on sale for $15 through Sunday night. After that, the normal price will be $20.
I’ve also created a 2 minute video to give you a glimpse of Devotions in Motion. If you’re wondering if it would benefit you, this should help you figure that out. You can watch it here:
You can purchase it below or click here to learn more.
Price: $20 Sale: $15
THESE ARE VIDEO DOWNLOADS – Within 24 hours of purchasing them, you will receive an email link giving you access watch the videos online and to download them to your computer.
Leading a Congregation in Movement

Would you Pray for Devotions in Motion?

I’m soooo close to releasing the Devotions in Motion videos. It always amazes me how looong the technical part of producing a product and editing it takes. But there is a Proverb I love that says, “A longing fulfilled is sweet to the soul.” I’ve been longing to make these available for over a year now, and my hope is that it will not only be sweet to my soul, but beneficial to many souls, as they use these in their morning devotions or teach them to their praise dance team.
Devotions in Motion will be released as a video download with 5 short, simple, and powerfully expressive devotional dances using the acronym for prayer, ABIDE. You can learn more by clicking here.
Would you pray for me in this final stretch? The work left at this time is technical, so I would appreciate grace with technology. I would also appreciate prayer that God would lead me to those who would benefit most from these and that they would be a blessing to others.
I also have it on my heart to schedule a local dance workshop here in Pasadena in the next 5-6 weeks and to offer a summer dance class as well. I’d so appreciate prayer for these things.
Please let me know in the comments section how I can pray for you.
Devotions in Motion are Coming

Jesus said, “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5
He also said, “But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” Mathew 6:6
I have found that when preparing to dance in ministry or to teach a class, I need to also be dancing at home in private. When I dance in private, I connect with Jesus. He’s the source of all true creativity, healing, beauty, and power. If I want those things to flow from my dance in ministry, I need to spend time with Him in private.
I also find that there is a battle that goes on inside me in the morning. I know that when I offer my body in praise and worship (that means I move in my devotions) that I experience breakthrough in my life. But something inside me resists moving. I want to sit comfortably under my covers, read the bible, and pray quietly. Now, there are plenty of mornings when I do just that, and it’s a lovely time with God.
But there are many mornings when I know He is saying, “Amy, get on your knees,” or “Amy, you need to move. I want more from you.” I always receive from Him when I’m obedient to Him, and yet, I so often resist it.
So, it’s been really helpful to me to have a pattern of prayer and some simple movements to do early in the day that get me moving. I’ve developed these devotional dances over the years from some of my favorite verses and from choruses to some of my favorite worship choruses.
Based on the acronym ABIDE, they give me starting point to engage my body, and, by engaging my body, to engage my heart.
I have taught them to classes of children as a pattern for prayer to begin our class, preparing ourselves to worship from the heart.
I’m excited about this project because it is truly accessible to worshipers of all ages and skill levels. The movements come out of expressive sign and can be done first thing in the morning, before you are ready to move your whole body. They can be done in a small place, beside your bed, on your couch, in your prayer closet. Because they consist primarily of upper body movements done in a posture of prayer, you can do them when your family is still asleep without awakening them.
On the videos, I teach these five devotional dances, step-by-step, so you can do them with me. I also include live video footage of me teaching this to a class of children, so that you can see how it works to teach them to a group. You will be blessed by their hearts of worship.
When you purchase Devotions in Motion, the videos will be available to watch online or to download and keep on your own computer. I have my heart set on releasing a physical DVD, but that happen later.
What can you do if you are interested in these videos? If you aren’t already subscribed to my mailing list, make sure you subscribe right now, so that you’ll get an email as soon as it is available. Please also be praying for this project, that I’ll do it in the time and way that is pleasing to Him and that will benefit others.
Take a minute and share in the comments. I’d love to hear what you think. I’d also love to hear how dancing in your devotions makes a difference in your life.