I did it! I’m so proud, really thankful, to have finished this project that I’ve wanted to complete for a month. My husband was out of town, so I stayed up until past midnight for a couple of nights, and got it done. Normally, it’s not my style to work late into the night. I take Psalm 127:2 at face value,
It is vain for you to rise early, come home late, and work so hard for your food. Yes, he can provide for those whom he loves even when they sleep.
I’m usually nodding off around 10:30. But this was a project I couldn’t get done during the day with my kids wanting me, or wanting my computer. And I couldn’t get it done on a normal night after they went to bed, because that’s when my husband and I get to catch up. So, I burned the midnight oil for a couple of nights and, by the grace of God I did it.
I made a 3 minute video introducing my worship dance curriculum for children, And a Child Shall Lead Them – Ten Worship Dance Lessons for Children. This book, which is close to my heart, contains my ten favorite lessons to teach children about dancing for Jesus. In it, I instruct teachers/leaders/parents how to lay a biblical foundation for dance for their children, how to build a vocabulary of worship, how to dance the scriptures, and how to keep a kingdom mindset through it all. The book has clear lesson objectives, lists of songs to choose from, photos, lists additional resources, and two short videos that come with it. I think it’s really valuable and I want to get it into the hands of many parents, dance teachers, and children’s ministry leaders. It’s not cheap, so I know that for someone to buy this curriculum, they need to know what they can expect to receive before they purchase it. That’s why I created the video, to give a brief but meaty overview of what is in this curriculum package.
So, take 3 minutes, click the video above, have a look and let me know what you think.
By the way, I hardly felt tired over the next two days. God gave me grace. It reminds me of a favorite promise of God’s that my mom used to quote on busy days, “and your strength will equal your days,” Deuteronomy 33:25. He gave me strength to match the day.
Is there something you have really wanted to do that keeps getting pushed out by the urgent tasks of your day? Take a couple of nights and burn the midnight oil or get up before dawn. Ask God for strength to meet the day and just do it. You’ll be blessed, and others will through your work.
To purchase this package – which includes a digital download of And a Child Shall Lead Them – Ten Worship Dance Lessons for Children and the accompanying videos click here:

Price: $34