Veils are a beautiful addition to worship dance. They add beauty, glory, drama and effect to your dance. They help tell a story, and you can use them to communicate emotion when you dance. In this video, you’ll learn techniques for using veils in your worship dances and see several examples of dances using veils in solo dances and also in a group dance.
The teaching from this video comes from the Veils and Dance DVD by Lynn Hayden. There are even more creative ideas for using veils on this DVD as well as an entire choreographed dance for a group of three or four dancers. I took the ideas from this DVD to create an entirely new dance that ministered powerfully to our congregation. You can watch this here and also read about 4 things I learned about preparing a group dance.
The veil used in this dance was made from 1 yard of 42″ wide fabric, cut down the center to form two veils with 21″ width. Then, I simply sewed a hem around the border to prevent the fabric from fraying. Often, at JoAnne’s fabrics, I will look through the remnants for fabric to create new veils. It’s inexpensive and often there are beautiful pieces from which to choose.
I’ve also used these veils as tunics in other worship dances by simply simply sewing a hook and eye on them so they could be attached at the shoulders.
I love watching dance. I am enamored by its beauty and captivated when God speaks through a dancer who belongs to Him. There are so many dancers whom I admire, whose ministry has blessed me, and whose talent I appreciate. There have been three dancers, though, who, when I saw them dance, I whispered the prayer, “Lord, I want to dance like her.”
There was something about the way they danced that spoke deep in my heart and called to me. Mixed with a talent they had honed was an expressiveness to their movement, an ability to tell a story with their movements that drew me in and made me want to understand and remember the story or the heart of their message. Continue reading “I want to dance like her!”
Position your dance ministry for greater impact in 2016.
Join me as I host Marlita Hill, author of the revelatory book, Dancers Assume the Position.
Ministry comes through your dance and provides something specific to God, the individuals watching you, the church you serve in, and the body of Christ at-large. However, ministry does not happen through dance just because you are dancing. In this four-part teleseminar, Marlita Hill will share from her book, Dancers! Assume the Position, to help you:
– Construct a clear picture of the your ministry as a dancer
– Identify the mindset necessary for effective ministry
– Collaborate with God in the various areas of your ministry, including songs choices, choreography, and ministry opportunities
– Clearly trace what the dancer contributes to God, the individual, the congregation, and the body of Christ
– Draw a clear distinction between the activity of dance and ministering through dance, so that God can minister through you, unhindered, and in the fullness of His power.
Fortify your assignment for 2016 with the support and encouragement of a seasoned teacher and fellow dancers.
I want to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and to say thank you for allowing me to be part of your life. I pray God’s favor on your Thanksgiving, whether you are gathering with a crowd or spending the day on your own. Whatever the case, your giving of thanks will bless the Lord.
The word, “Yadah” in Hebrew, which is translated as to praise or to thank in our English bibles, is to hold out, to revere or worship w /extended flourishing, wave hands in showy way, graceful gestures, glorify, give thanks, cast out, use the hands in a motion of throwing, cast out, use hands in motion of throwing. (Taken from Dance, Dance, Dance! by Lynn Hayden.) The scriptures are full of calls to give yadah or thanks to God. 2 Chronicles 20:21, Psalm 107:15 and Psalm 63:1 are just three of many.
So, today, as you are giving thanks, take time to lift up your hands in thanks, wave them to the Lord as a sign of your appreciation for His goodness in your life. You’ll give Him joy and, I’m pretty sure, find that you, too, are edified. That’s just the way it works with Him. You can’t out give Him.
This is a super last minute announcement, but it’s such a good deal that I wanted to post it, in case you are willing to act quickly to save on registration. Jocelyn Richard, who has taught me so much of what I know about worship dance, has a flash sale ending this evening.
Firstly, if you are preparing to dance for the holidays, you’ll get creative ideas for powerful choreography from the Choreography Basics Course. It was when I was choreographing a dance for Christmas five years ago that I found one of Jocelyn’s choreography tutorials on Youtube. I watched her and said to myself, “I want to dance like her.” Her expressive choreography and skill combined were powerful and moving. I am not kidding when I say that watching that video transformed my dance. Continue reading “Flash Sale: Choreography Training/Dance of Healing”
Would you like to receive a fresh impartation in the dance?
Would you like to improve your technique by taking a master class?
Would you like to participate in an outdoor dance festival that will bless the city?
Would you like to build relationships with other dance ministers in the area?
If you live in Southern California, you have the opportunity to do all three of these this month. The Dominion Dance Conference in Whittier is right around the corner, on November 20 and 21.
I love the theme: It’s The Latter Rain, taken out of (Joel 2:23) Be glad, O children of Zion, and rejoice in the LORD your God, for he has given the early rain for your vindication; he has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and the latter rain, as before.
I love that picture of a an abundant rain, pouring down from heaven. Rain softens the ground. May this rain soften hearts. Rain nourishes the ground. May our souls be nourished in worship. Rain causes seeds to germinate and grow. May the seeds already planted in our lives receive the water they need to germinate and grow. A heavy rain cleanses the streets and sidewalks. May our hearts be cleansed. Rain refreshes the earths. May lives be refreshed as God rains down His presence on this event.
I want to get rained on.
After participating in the When the Spirit Moves Dance concert last month with several of the teams who will be attending and leading at this conference, I felt strongly led to attend. I saw them minister with skill, beauty and power. I want more of what they have.
So, if you live in the area, I encourage you to come. If you want to come but just don’t know if you can make it, I encourage you to pray about it and see what the Lord says. Having just come back from a trip to South Carolina for another dance conference, I was uncertain I could get away for another weekend so soon afterwards. But my desire to go kept increasing, not diminishing. So, I prayed about it, shared my heart with my husband, and he gave me his blessing.
Here’s the link for the registration. You will save $10 off the at-the-door registration rate if you register online.
Today I’m celebrating a huge milestone and want to share the joy with you. I also want to give you a window into an incredible training experience for worship dancers that is available to you no matter where you live: The Dancing for Him Online Training School.
This week, I completed my final assignment for Level 2 of Dancing for Him’s Online Training School. Yippee!!! Hooray!!! Thank you, Lord!! Happy dance!
This completed two years of study, creativity, fellowship and transformation for me. I am so grateful that the Lord enabled me to take this course, and I’m leaving it with a Worship Dance Teacher’s Certificate and a Dance Minister’s Certificate of License.
When and where is it appropriate to minister through prophetic dance?
Every time we are ministering through dance, having prayed over the dance and received inspiration from the Holy Spirit about what to do and how to do it, our dance is prophetic. In addressing the question above today, however, I’ll focus on the aspect of prophetic dance in which we direct our focus to individuals, bringing a word from the Father to them. We make eye contact with these people and deliver a message through movement especially for them. To minister through prophetic dance in this way, we need permission both from the leadership and from the person.
I’m really excited to be able to travel to South Carolina in November to attend Dancing for Him’s Streams and Streamers Conference and I hope I can meet many of you there.
I’ve been to several of Lynn’s conferences, and each time I go away full of the joy of worshiping through dance, having my toolbox full of new ideas, and having received ministry that frees my spirit.
Here’s some questions to answer to determine whether this conference is right for you:
Would you love to learn many aspects and concepts of worship/expressive dance?
Would you love to learn some fresh movement and choreography ideas?
Would you love to be in a professional video production?
Would you love to learn many creative ideas and dance composition with streamers?
Would you love to receive ministry through and be activated in prophetic dance?
Photos from the Dancing for Him Conference I attended in Santa Maria this past March
If you register in time (before September 15), you’ll receive a tunic and streamer with your registration. It’s also a graduation conference. In fact, I’m graduating from Level II of Lynn’s online dance ministry school. I anticipate a strong anointing for ministry, not just for the graduates, but for all who attend.
Read Lynn Hayden’s description of the conference here:
Be set free to dance before Him with full and total abandon while learning techniques to help your dances minister most effectively. Come experience the intoxicating, overpowering flowing streams of His presence and go home with not only fresh ideas, but changed!
In January, 2014, we had the original Streams and Streamers conference and it was amazing! Though we covered a HUGE amount of material and creative ideas, there is just so much more!! This time we are going to focus much more on the creative activations! You will go home with a plethora of new, fresh and creative ideas!!
If this sounds good to you, come join us.
I will not be teaching at this conference, nor am I hosting it. I’ll be attending and receiving my Dance Ministry Leadership Certificate and my License from Dancing for Him. I would love to share this experience with you. I know you’ll be blessed by Pastor Lynn’s teaching and the fellowship with other worship dancers.
Again, the deadline to register and receive a tunic and streamer is September 15. Please let me know if you register. I really look forward to seeing you there.
Through prayerful movements, we pull down strongholds.
Strongholds are anything that hinders the will of God in our lives. They can be long standing patterns of behavior or thought, even things that seem to be woven into the fabric of our personalities that keep us from doing God’s will or abiding in Him.
There are strongholds in families, strongholds over cities, institutions, and nations. They manifest in relational conflicts, in addiction, in injustice, crime, illness, and more. The outward symptoms are physical and material, but the root of the problem is in the spiritual realm.
The apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 10:4-5 that God has given us authority in Christ to pull down these strongholds:
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds; Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;
Our greatest weapon in pulling down these strongholds is prayer, and when we pray according to His will, we know He answers. As dancers, we intercede not just with our words, but with our movements.
In this 4 minutes video, I share movements you can use in your prayer and devotion to break down strongholds in your life, in the lives of your loved ones, and in your community.
This teaching comes from the DVD Weapons of Warfare/Movements of Breakthrough. The Weapons of Warfare/Movements of Breakthrough DVD contains four basic sections. In the first section, Pastor Lynn teaches out of the Dance, Dance, Dance! book on the Hebrew words associated with power movements.
In the second section, we learn how doing movements like circling, marching in procession, whirling, and shaking can bring deliverance by pulling down strongholds.
In the third section, Pastor Lynn gives four scriptures that describe the Lord bringing victory and deliverance through praise, and she gives movement ideas for each of these scriptures. She goes on to develop 8 counts of punch-kick movements that you can use in your own workout or to lead a group of dancers.
And, finally, in the fourth section, she demonstrates how to put all this together into a 20-minute time of movements in which a group of dancers can do spiritual warfare while also getting a cardio workout. Each section builds on the previous section, equipping the dancer with movements for intercession.
I love this DVD. One of my primary callings as a dancer is to intercede in my own prayer time and to equip others to intercede through movement. This DVD gives me strong movements for warfare (where my natural bent is towards fluid, gentle movements) and a strong biblical basis for using them.
Whether you purchase this DVD or just incorporate the movements for pulling down strongholds into your devotion (and create more movements of your own), I pray that you are encouraged and equipped by these in your prayer time.
Please share your thoughts in the comments:
Did you find this helpful?
How have you incorporated dance into your time of intercession?