Position your dance ministry for greater impact in 2016.
Join me as I host Marlita Hill, author of the revelatory book, Dancers Assume the Position.
Ministry comes through your dance and provides something specific to God, the individuals watching you, the church you serve in, and the body of Christ at-large. However, ministry does not happen through dance just because you are dancing. In this four-part teleseminar, Marlita Hill will share from her book, Dancers! Assume the Position, to help you:
– Construct a clear picture of the your ministry as a dancer
– Identify the mindset necessary for effective ministry
– Collaborate with God in the various areas of your ministry, including songs choices, choreography, and ministry opportunities
– Clearly trace what the dancer contributes to God, the individual, the congregation, and the body of Christ
– Draw a clear distinction between the activity of dance and ministering through dance, so that God can minister through you, unhindered, and in the fullness of His power.
Fortify your assignment for 2016 with the support and encouragement of a seasoned teacher and fellow dancers.
Join us for this first complementary class or register for the full 4-part series.
Saturdays: January 30, February 6, 13, 20 7:30 – 9:00 AM PST, 10:30 AM-12:00 PM EST
On your phone or computer (just dial or link in)