Over the past two years as I have taught worship dance to students in my community, It has been a joy and an adventure and has opened the door for me to impact many more people than I ever imagined. I’m sharing the benefits I have experienced so that you might consider whether God is calling you to teach worship dance to children outside of your own church family:
1. It funds my dance ministry in my home church: Teaching these classes funds the dance ministry God has called me to. I have had the privilege of purchasing flags, streamers, scarves, and dance garments for my team, adding beauty, color, and pageantry to our dances.
2. It funds my training as a dancer and ministry leader: I have been able to take a class in a studio in town. In addition, I have been able to take several classes online with Jocelyn Richard and Dancing for Him Ministries. I plan to take Dancing for Him’s one year class This year.
3. It stretches me as a choreographer: I have choreographed 8-10 full dances and many portions of songs that I would not have had the impetus to choreograph, had I not had a class to teach.
4. I get more time in the studio: When I’m teaching my classes, I’m dancing too. It keeps me strong and healthy.
5. It has opened doors to other ministry opportunities: I have gained skill and experience to share with others. Through each class I teach, I learn more about how to effectively work with children. I taught a teleseminar with Jocelyn Richard this summer on teaching worship dance to children, “Raising Up Worshipful Children.” Because I’m teaching so regularly, I have more to share with other worship leaders.
6. It has given me the chance to take the gospel outside of the four walls of my church: We have danced several times at three different nursing homes. We share the gospel through music and dance. We are working on taking our dances into a local women’s prison. These are fantastic training opportunities for the children, and they stretches me too.
7. I’m providing a much desired service in my community: I cannot tell you how many parents have expressed gratitude for having a Christ-centered dance class. They are grateful that their children are learning the purpose of dance – to glorify God. They are grateful that when their children dance, they dress modestly and beautifully. They are grateful that their children come home full of praise for Jesus. There are so many children out there with a longing to dance. We can teach them the joy of worshiping Jesus.
So, what about you? Could God be calling you to take your gift of dance outside of the four walls of the church and into the community?
Do you believe that what He has given you is of value, something that others would pay for, thus providing for other ministry that you do without charge?
Pray about it and consider teaching worship dance in your community. You will be surprised at how God can use you to raise up more worship dancers and how He will bless you through it.
I have a resource for you that will give you what you need to get started: And a Child Shall Lead Them – Ten Worship Dance Lessons for Children is a collection of the most important lessons I teach children. The lessons are scripted, contain clear lesson objectives, suggested songs, and lists of materials. So, all you need to do is to pray and gather your children. To learn more about this resource, click here: curriculum
Hello Amy! The information you have provided above, is very valuable to me at this time. I have so me unanswered questions at this time. As I continue to read your articles I am learning more and more.
Tammy, I’m so glad you are finding the material helpful. Bless you as you move forward in obedience to His calling and in the joy that brings.