Do you want to add beauty, glory and splendor to your worship presentations?
Would you like coaching in how to create a processional with flags and banners?
Would you like to see healing and deliverance ministered through your worship dances?
In Processionals, Props, and Pageantry, Lynn Hayden shares how, with prayer, planning, and practice we can create glorious ministry presentations that demonstrate the splendor and majesty of the Lord, blessing Him and ministering to others.
In the first section, Processionals, we learn how powerful the act of walking can be, a time for taking back ground from the enemy and diffusing the knowledge of Christ every place we walk. We also see how often the Lord commands His people to hold a sacred feast, and we learn that dancing was nearly always part of such feasts for the people of God, creating a “perfume of fire to drive out the enemy”. (p. 18) Pastor Lynn gives practical suggestions for planning these ministry presentations and suggestions for positions and patterns to use.
The second section, Props, begins by giving example of different “props” used by men and women in the bible. David used a sling and a stone, Moses a staff, and Gideon and his men used trumpets and pitchers. In each case, the Lord had a purpose for what was in their hands and used it to bring about a miracle. In the same way, when we incorporate props in our ministry presentations, they need to have a purpose and should portray a message that the audience can understand. While using props can add splendor to a dance and can be a vehicle through which the Lord works, there are times when we make mistakes with them. So, Pastor Lynn gives practical suggestions for how to prevent or mitigate these mistakes. She also encourages the reader not to be discouraged or thrown off when they do occur, trusting that God’s grace is greater than our mistakes and that audiences are forgiving.
The third section, Pageantry, we are reminded that “the Lord and his sanctuary have glory, beauty (and color),” (p.90) and so it is appropriate to use pageantry in our presentations, displaying beauty to bless the Lord and reflect His glory. In this section, we learn the biblical significance of color and we hear how flags and banners can be “the visible, tangible points of contact necessary to release enough faith for healing and deliverance.” (p. 103) The section ends with suggestions for garments that display beauty and glory while maintaining the modesty of the dancer.
Power that can be released when we dance with processionals, props, and pageantry as we prayerfully and purposefully use these tools to display the glory of God.
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