This is the fourth in a five part series on how to help children who love to dance to worship when they dance.
Would you like to
• help children memorize and internalize song lyrics and choreography?
• give children a simple tool children to help them choreograph?
• help them dance in a way that truly tells God’s stories?
In this lesson, I’m going to share with you how you can use sign language and expressive sign to help children build a vocabulary of worship movements.
As I’ve said before, while I’m talking specifically about children because these activities work so well with children, these activities will also be helpful with adults and teens.
Watch this 5 minute video, with clips from live classes, to learn how to help children build a vocabulary of worship movements. Children love these activities and they grow as wholehearted worshipers through them.
I’d love to hear from you. Please share in the comments.
If you use expressive sign with students, tell me what you like best about it.
For even more expressive signs, you will love the Expressive sign DVD by Lynn Hayden, which is for sale in my store.
Here’s a short tutorial I created from this DVD: