- Would you like to be immersed in God’s presence during artistic worship?
- Do you want to learn more about living, moving and ministering to the Lord (through the arts)?
- Would you like to be better equipped as a praise dancer to minister His word through movement?
- Would you like some incredible, creative, worship movement ideas?
- Would you like to learn flag moves and expressions, choreography technique, and so much more?
Get ready for an amazing, powerful jam packed 4 days of information and instruction that will catapult you to new levels in praise and worship dancing!
This is going to be a really incredible conference. Pastor Lynn’s conferences never disappoint. Always, I go away renewed in my soul and spirit, full of new tools in my toolbox for dance, ministry, leadership, choreography. I receive ministry and I’m transformed. I could go on and on.
I’m excited to have the opportunity to contribute to this conference by teaching on the Care and Feeding of a Dancer.Understanding that many of us carry shame about our bodies, we’ll begin with a movement meditation in which we offer to the Lord those obstacles we experience to caring for our physical health. We will take time to listen to what the Father has to say about our bodies. From there, we’ll move on to the practical.
You will learn simple and doable practices that will enable you to dance with power and freedom even into your latter years. Whether you are a seasoned or new dancer, no matter your age or body type, this workshop will give you tools to protect, strengthen, and nurture your body so that you might enjoy it and glorify God through dance for years to come.
You can Register here for the early bird price, as little as $3.99, up until September 10, when the price will rise.
There are so many great options for registering: You can attend it live and online. You can purchase an Anytime Pass and watch the conference teachings any time you want and indefinitely. You can even attend one of the in-person venues. Click this link and scroll to the “3 Ways to Participate” tab for all the details.
If you know you want to do this, I encourage you to register right now. As soon as you register, your heart begins to prepare for the transformation that will happen at the conference. You begin living into the future that you have committed to.