Praise Offerings Dance camp day 2 highlights/takeaways: Part of leading camp is shepherding kids towards character. Today it meant pairing less skilled students with more skilled, so the latter can help the former, even though the kids ask to be paired with their good friends. It meant not scrimping on technique when kids want to jump to the choreographed dance (You cannot offer your best if you don’t take time to develop your skill.) These lovelies come to me with much godly character already instilled. Everyone of them stays afterwards and asks, “Is there anything I can do to help you clean up?” Within ten minutes, they have put away all the props neatly and carried my bins to my car. I did not have to teach or ask them to do that.
Pictured above is an artistic ministry activation where we learned about the sacrifices required before Jesus came, sacrifices that needed to be offered year after year and still did not transform. Then, we learned about the perfect sacrifice Jesus gave for us, so that we can offer ourselves as a living sacrifice, which is, through Christ, good, pleasing and perfect. Below you see them dancing with the silk billows by Bobbi Munci. The kids cannot get enough of the silk billows. You can purchase them here.