I have a 6 minute video which teaches motions to the Lord’s Prayer along with a really memorable way to teach them. I’ve used this over and over with both children and adults. It’s great for opening a workshop or ending a class.
I would like help getting the word out to people outside of my circle of influence about several things:
1. The Devotions in Motion Videos
2. The Devotions in Motion workshop in Pasadena on June 14
3. The Children’s Praise Dance Camp in Pasadena from June 29-July 3
If you share on Facebook about any one of these and tag Worship Dance Ministries, I’ll give you The Lord’s Prayer in Motion video and enter your name into a raffle to win any product of mine (The only exceptions are Lynn Hayden’s products, which are not mine to give, and that I cannot ship a hard copy of “And a Child Shall Lead Them” outside of the U.S.)
Here’s what you need to do:
Copy one of the links below into a post on your page or a facebook group of which you are a part. (This will both reference the product and tag me, so I know you shared it)
Share why you think it might benefit the people with whom you are sharing it.Try to share it with those for whom it might be relevant. (If you live on the East Coast, sharing about the Children’s Dance Camp in Pasadena might not be relevant to your friends, unless you have friends who live in Southern California. But Devotions in Motion is available to anyone anywhere.)
Here are the links (I’ve included the tag. If the tag doesn’t work, you can tag my personal Facebook page or just email me):
1. Devotions in Motion: https://worshipdanceministries.com/devotions-in-motion/ Worship Dance Ministries
2. Devotions in Motion Workshop in Pasadena: https://worshipdanceministries.com/worship-workshop-pasadena/ Worship Dance Ministries
3. Children’s Praise Dance Camp in Pasadena: https://worshipdanceministries.com/pasadena-praise-dance-camp/ Dance Ministries Please post by this Friday, June 12.
I’ll draw the raffle on Monday, June 15. If you share and you don’t receive the Lord’s Prayer in Motion from me within 24 hours, email me, as sometimes the sharing on Facebook doesn’t notify me. Thanks!