Purchase any product from this page and receive a second product, of equal or lesser value for FREE, now through November 19.
Also, if you purchase my complete worship dance curriculum (e-book plus supplemental videos) or online course, I will send you a hard copy of the manual for free. That is a savings not just on the cost of the book, but on the cost of shipping.
Children’s Worship Dance Curriculum – Ebook or book with video downloads

Devotions in Motion Video Uploads

From Performance to Worship – Teaching Children to Worship when they Dance Video Uploads

Online Course: Teaching Worship Dance to Children

Here’s is how it works: Simply purchase one of these products between now and midnight EST on Sunday and indicate in the notes/message to seller as to what second product, of equal or lesser value you would like to receive. If it’s a digital product, you’ll receive it within 12 hours of purchase. Books will be mailed by Monday.