A Child Shall Lead Them – Ten Worship Dance Lessons – E-book

Children's Worship Dance CurriculumPrice $19 (e-book alone)

           $29 (e-book and supplementary video downloads)

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Product Description (E-Book with video downloads)

These are digital downloads

Are you called to teach worship dance to children?

This manual will equip you with what you need to lay a biblical foundation for worship dance with children and to help them build a vocabulary of movement.

Use this book for your dance ministry team, kids’ church program,  your visual arts programs for children, or to teach your own child at home.

With this book, your children will discover:

• The Power of a Worshiping Child
• How to Build a Vocabulary of Movement by borrowing from sign language to create gestures
• How to Join the Worship of Heaven by putting Revelation 7 to motion
• The difference between empty worship and full worship that pleases the Lord and blesses others
• How to dance with their faces
• How to use worship to stop the work of the enemy and advance the Kingdom of God.

This 41 page book contains 13 pages of color photos. It goes hand in hand with two supplementary videos which are available to download digitally upon purchase.

Use this book alone to teach short lessons, laying a biblical foundation for your children’s worship dance team and giving the beginner dancer tools to begin moving in worship. Or, add your own technique and choreography for a complete praise dance class.

You will receive a link to access the digital downloads for the following:

* E-Manual with Ten creative and detailed lesson plans which you can use these immediately to teach children to worship the Lord using dance. The creative and detailed lesson plans contain clear descriptions of lesson objectives, materials needed, suggested worship songs, and scriptures supporting each lesson. Also included is a visual dictionary of  worship words derived from sign language, and a list of suggested resources for teaching worship dance. Help children use visual arts to worship Jesus.

If purchasing the videos with the book, you will also receive a link to access the digital downloads for these:

* Video:  Building a Vocabulary of Movement: Contains teaching from Amy Tang on the power of using sign language to build a vocabulary of movement, live footage from worship dance class of Amy teaching Lesson 3: Using Sign Language to Tell God’s Stories, and a slideshow of the Visual Dictionary of worship gestures found in the manual. (length – 16 minutes)

* Video: Joining the Worship of Heaven – Revelation 7 Gestures:  This video contains phenomenal worship gestures which you can borrow to set Revelation 7:12 in motion. It also contains teaching from Amy Tang on using Revelation as inspiration for worship dances and live footage of Amy teaching Lesson 8: Dancing the Scriptures, Joining in the Worship of Heaven from the manual. (length – 11 minutes)

Click here for a preview of selected pages. Click here for 5 minute video teaching on book.


Amy’s book is a wonderful tool for training children and adults in worship dance. The lessons are so creative. Amy gives you clear details on how you can conduct your class. The pictures showing her expressions of worship are beautiful as well. It is a very inspiring must have book. From the first lesson your dancers will have something they have movement they can use. I am just loving using this book! –  Nanette Levons, The Glorious Praise Dancers and Hope for a Woman’s Heart

These worship dance lessons are spelled out for you, she has professional photographs in this ebook for you. All the work is done, all you have to do is pray and get your children together and worship the Lord. — Jocelyn Richard, The Praise Dance Life

God bless you and your amazing work! I am so glad I purchased the dance curriculum… what a powerful tool! And, might I add, Jocelyn is right, you have already done the work. I feel as if you are right here coaching alongside as I implement with my one worship dancer … she is 8 and has such a heart to dance for the Lord.. a true worshiper! More importantly… I am learning and being equipped as I study your course outline… Thank you, Amy! – Bobbi Andrade, Praise dancer

6 thoughts on “A Child Shall Lead Them – Ten Worship Dance Lessons – E-book”

  1. I’m excited about this curriculum that you have taken the time to make with Gods guiding. Thank you Can I purchase the book without the digital version

  2. I own the paper copy of “And a Child Shall Lead Them,” and would like to purchase the group license. Can you tell me how to do that?

    1. Thank you for asking about purchasing a hard copy of And a Child Shall Lead them. I actually no longer sell hard copies of the manual. I know we all love to have something in hand, and if you purchase the eBook, you will receive a .pdf file that you are welcome to print out and bind yourself. Making that available on my blog, with shipping and printing costs just wasn’t cost effective for me or for the buyer. If you have a color printer, you can print yourself (and an assistant) a copy right away.

      Or, you can have a local print it out. If you do, my suggestion is to specify they only print the color pages in color. It will save you quite a bit on printing costs. Or, you can print the whole book in black and white and it will still be so useful.

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