Children’s Ministry Curriculum Sale to fund Dance Conference Scholarships

kids praise dance lessonsIf you have been wanting to purchase And A Child Shall Lead Them – Ten Worship Dance Lessons for Children, now is the best time.

From now until July 7, I’ve lowered the price by $10 and I’m setting all the profits aside for a scholarship fund for the Holy Visitation Dance Conference in Sherwood. 

I want to give you an incentive to purchase it now, and I want to raise money for several dancers who want to attend this conference and need the Lord to provide the funds. You can help me be part of answering their prayer.

Price: $42

Use this book for your dance ministry team, kids’ church program, or your visual arts programs for children. With this book, children will discover:

• The Power of a Worshiping Child• How to Build a Vocabulary of Movement by borrowing from sign language to create gestures for 21 worship words

• How to Join the Worship of Heaven by putting Revelation 7 to motion

• The difference between empty worship and full worship that pleases the Lord and blesses others

• How to dance with their faces

• The Purpose of Dance in Worship

• How to use worship to stop the work of the enemy and advance the Kingdom of God.

This 41 page book contains 13 pages of color photos and contains two short videos to supplement the lessons.

You will receive:

* Manual with Ten creative and detailed lesson plans which you can use these immediately to teach children to worship the Lord using dance.

* Video:  Building a Vocabulary of Movement: Contains teaching from Amy Tang on the power of using sign language to build a vocabulary of movement, live footage from worship dance class of Amy teaching Lesson 3: Using Sign Language to Tell God’s Stories, and a slideshow of the Visual Dictionary of worship gestures found in the manual. (length – 16 minutes)

* Video: Joining the Worship of Heaven – Revelation 7 Gestures:  This video contains phenomenal worship gestures which you can borrow to set Revelation 7:12 in motion. It also contains teaching from Amy Tang on using Revelation as inspiration for worship dances and live footage of Amy teaching Lesson 8: Dancing the Scriptures, Joining in the Worship of Heaven from the manual. (length – 11 minutes)

The creative and detailed lesson plans contain clear descriptions of lesson objectives, materials needed, suggested worship songs, and scriptures supporting each lesson. Also included is a visual dictionary of  worship words derived from sign language, and a list of suggested resources for teaching worship dance. Help children use visual arts to worship Jesus.

Click here for a preview of selected pages:


Amy’s book is a wonderful tool for training children and adults in worship dance. The lessons are so creative. Amy gives you clear details on how you can conduct your class. The pictures showing her expressions of worship are beautiful as well. It is a very inspiring must have book. From the first lesson your dancers will have something they have movement they can use. I am just loving using this book! —  Nanette Levons, The Glorious Praise Dancers

These worship dance lessons are spelled out for you, she has professional photographs in this ebook for you. All the work is done, all you have to do is pray and get your children together and worship the Lord. — Jocelyn Richard, The Praise Dance Life