I taught this two session audio class with Jocelyn Richard of The Praise Dance Life. This important dynamic training is a perfect compliment to And a Child Shall Lead Them – Ten Worship Dance Lessons for Children. In it, you will learn how to use this e-curriculum to lead a worshipful children’s dance ministry or to disciple your own children to worship wholeheartedly through dance.
This important, dynamic training will help you orchestrate a worshipful children’s dance ministry by teaching you:
•how to lead the children in dance, to equip them to lead in dance ministry; not just be cute and entertaining the crowd.
•teach the children to worship the Lord using the Scriptures, joining the dance of heaven.
•how to use sign language in the children’s worship dance ministry
•activities to use in class to engage children and help them keep their hearts right with the Lord
•Q&A from original session participants
You will receive:
Price: $18
Audio course and e-curriculum bundle $44
Thank you so much for the teaching tonight. It was awesome and I learned a lot. I love to dance, but I am not a schooled teacher. The Holy Spirit has been instructing me. I love how you started the class stating that children can be required to worship; they are not there just to look pretty and that they can make a commitment to dance for the Lord. I also liked what you said about that not all people that speak in public can do it on a whim. This has helped me have an understanding even with the adult team. I am going to implement a lot of what I learned this Wednesday night….I feel double blessed tonight with the teaching. It was a divine hook-up. God Bless.