Modern Dance Tutorial Series

 I have created a series of modern dance video tutorials. These videos were originally created as assignments as I was completing the masters level training with Pastor Lynn Hayden for liturgical dance leaders. I have put them together as a series for you. 

There are eight videos, each between two and six minutes long, each representing a portion of a modern dance class from the basic body warm up to reverence. Together, they form a lovely flow. 

From these videos, I hope you will gain strength, sharpen your skill, and gain inspiration for your own choreography.  You can consider this an 8-day modern dance challenge. Each day that you receive a video, take time to watch it, and dance along to the level of your ability.* You can do just one video a day, or practice the videos from the previous day, as well. At the end, I’ll share some wonderful resources you can use to further build your skill and vocabulary of movement. If you’d like to receive these videos and participate in the 8-day challenge, click here: