Welcome to the Playing with Ballet for Worship. I’m so glad you’ve decided to enjoy this series. It is my hope that, as you learn and practice these sequences, you find your movement vocabulary expanding, your creativity sparked, and you find yourself playing with ballet for the joy of it and so, give glory to God for the gift of dance and the gift of your body. You are welcome to use these sequences in your own choreography.
Copyright: While you are welcome to use these sequences in your own choreography, I request that you do not share these links with others, as they are for your use alone. Please feel free to share this link with anyone whom you think would benefit from this series.
Medical disclaimer: Please consult your doctor before beginning any physical exercise. By watching this video, you are acknowledging that you are in fit physical condition to practice these exercises, that you understand there are risks to any physical activity and you are taking those risks on yourself, and that you release Amy Tang and Worship Dance Ministries of any liability for any injury you might sustain when dancing.